Wednesday 26 September 2012

Guest Bakes

This page is specifically for friends and family or interested followers to showcase their own bakes.

Please send in your baking post and/or photos to and we will upload the best bakes on here.
When sending your bake please can you include the following:
  • Your Name (this is optional)
  • Name of Bake
  • Recipe Source (Which book etc)
  • A photo of the bake
  • Any other details you want to include
We look forward to hearing from you!

Ready Steady .... Bake!

As of Monday 1st October 2012, Queens of Tarts will be up and running and in full baking motion.

Every month (for the time being) we will be choosing a catagory/topic of baking, baking our chosen receipe and then letting the world know about our successes (and possible failures). Whether it be that our buns have stuck or our flans are dry, you'll be hearing about it!

To ease us in gently to the baking blog world, our first baking topic will be the British classic, a Victoria Sponge; a cake traditionally filled with jam and whipped cream.

So ladies, get out your mixing bowls, dust off your wooden spoons and let the baking commence ...