Wednesday 6 March 2013

March: Cheesecake

After recently visiting the big US of A, it was obvious that cheesecake was one of their most celebrated desserts. We stumbled across an eatery named 'The Cheesecake Factory' which had the most amazing variety of cheesecakes you could ever imagine. I took a sneaky photo as seen below:
The earliest mention of cheesecake comes from Greece, but is now a popular pudding all across the world. Cheesecakes are very versatile and are primarily made up of cream cheese and a base of hard biscuits, but after that the possibilities are endless. They can be baked or unbaked and can have many toppings with strawberry and vanilla being well established classics.

This month ladies, we will be trying out cheesecakes, lets try and do something less traditional and see what we come up with!

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