Tuesday 5 February 2013

Felicity's Bakewell Tart

This is one of my absolute favourites so I couldn't wait to get started!

I used the recipe from The Great British Book of Baking and it was brilliant. I decided not to make the pastry by hand (extra points to anyone who does!) and instead bought sweet shortcrust pastry.

Once I'd rolled the pastry and lined a flan tin, I covered with blackcurrant jam - home-made by mum Pointer, no less!

The filling was straightforward and I beat the butter, sugar, egg, flour, ground almonds and almond essence altogether by hand. I spread it evenly on to the pastry and popped in the oven.

Once cooked I left to cool, then topped with icing sugar and flaked almonds - and voila:

This is, without a doubt, the best thing I have ever made - it was absolutely delicious! Special thanks to my assistant Leanne for her baking/tasting help!

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