Thursday 30 May 2013

Katherine's Bakewell Tart

Firstly, what a glorious bake this month!

Derbyshire pride at stake though, so the challenge was definitely set!

This bake is one that I have made before, and therefore tweaked the recipe from previous experience.

The recipe I used was from Waitrose Recipes online.

Ingredients for the filling:

1. 100g Unsalted Butter (softened)
2. 3 Large Eggs, Beaten
3. 6 tbsp Strawberry Jam
4. 125g Caster Sugar
5. 1/2 tsp Almond Extract
6. 150g Ground Almonds
7. 25g Flaked Almonds

To Decorate: 1 tbsp Icing Sugar, sifted
(For the Pastry: 200g Plain Flour, 100g Unsalted Butter, chilled & cubed, 2 Large Egg Yolks, beaten)

Firstly, I had all good intentions to make the pastry, however due to timing issues I decided that bought pastry is just as good, so I opted for a nice short cut pastry.
I preheated the oven to 190 degrees, and rolled out the pastry to approximately 3mm as suggested (however, ensuring that it wasn't too thin). I greased the pastry tin, and fitted the pastry to the tin ensuring that it fit comfortably into the tart rivets, to ensure a nice tart shape when removed.
I then pricked the pastry using a fork, lined the pastry with baking parchment, and then filled it with baking beans and placed in the oven for 15 minutes.
I found that i had leftover pastry, therefore I decided to make mini ones, and fill a muffin tin with the pastry and followed the same procedure with the baking beans.
Once baked, I removed both items and removed the parchment and baking beans as instructed and baked for a further 5 minutes, at an adjusted heat of 180 degrees - but ensuring I monitored it, so to not overcook.
Whilst the pastry was cooling I got to work on the filling.

For the filling I beat the sugar and butter together in my new mixer (very exciting!!!) until light, fluffy and pale, (the mixer made it all so speedy.. the muscle work with a wooden spoon can move over!!) and gradually added the beaten eggs a little at a time. Obviously this is to prevent any curdling!
I then added the almond extract, however from previous experience I found that 1/2 a teaspoon wasn't quite enough, therefore I added 1 and 1/2 teaspoons to give it a nice almond kick, yet not too overpowering. I then folded in the ground almonds, ensuring all was combined.
The filling is ready, so now I checked the pastry was cool, and added the strawberry jam. On previous bakes I have used different jams, cheap ones, fruitier ones, but I have to say that the jam does make the difference, and the conclusion was that the best jam to use was Bon Marme, and it really is worth it. The recipe suggests 6 tbsp, however, I ended up using a whole jar (obviously adding to the mini tartlets). I added the filling to the top, and ensured it was spread evenly, and decorated using the flaked almonds - to be honest, I did this by sight rather than the 25g measurement suggested as I like it to be covered in almonds - all personal preference.
In it went to the oven for 35 minutes.

Once cooled slightly in the tin, I removed and cooled further on a cooling tray.

Tasting test.. I took both the mini tartlets and slithers of the main tart to work, and received a resounding success. The bakewell tart was moist, and flavoursome. I experimented and put a couple of slices in the fridge, and my 2 regular tasters felt that it tasted even better, and remained moist.

I will definitely make again, and MAYBE just maybe, might attempt making the pastry!

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